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The Ramsey Academy Curriculum Offer

The Ramsey Academy curriculum model is a broad and balanced curriculum offer.  This rationale aims to outline the intent and implementation of the curriculum. The impact is evaluated via student outcomes and various self-evaluation processes.

Our ethos is to create an inclusive curriculum for students of all abilities and backgrounds to feel valued so that they can reach their full potential. The aims are for students: 

  • To enjoycoming to school and engaging with the learning experiences available to them
  • To be enrichedwith a wealth of opportunities inside and outside of lessons and the curriculum, so that all talents are identified and nurtured
  • To achieve high standards:
    • Academically - in terms of examination results
    • Personally - through their respect for others and their environment
    • Socially - through their contribution to the life of the school and wider community 

The over-arching aim of the curriculum is to not only prepare students for public examinations but also equip them with the life skills necessary to gain employment and be productive members of the community.

All lessons and activities should embed positive learning behaviours and challenge students to ‘think hard’. This will develop resilience and a deeper understanding of the content. 

Groupings and Curriculum Offer in Years 7, 8 and 9

Based on Key Stage 2, subject specific baseline tests and professional judgements students are placed in ability groups for English, Maths, Science, Geography and History.  All other subjects are taught in ‘mixed ability’ groups.

Years 7, 8 and 9

Table shows the number of lessons per fortnight. 












4 4



2 2 2 2 4 2 2

All Students will study all subjects.  In languages they will choose to study either French or Spanish.

In KS3 students study a minimum of three Technology subjects across each year. Subjects include; Food Preparation and Nutrition, Product Design, Textiles and Ceramics. KS3 Technology operates a carousel system.

The options process is completed during Year 9 so that a broad and balanced curriculum is maintained throughout Key Stage 3. 

Curriculum offer in Year 10 & 11 

All students will study English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science. P.E. and PSHE/R.E.

Students choose 4 options subjects.

All students study Combined Science unless they have picked Triple Science in the options.

Table shows the number of lessons per fortnight. 






Option A

Option B

Option C Option D




4 2



5 5


A very small number of pupils will take the Entry Level qualification in English, Maths and Science. 

Year 10 & 11 Options Pathways

Below are the option choices for students 

Pathways EBACC Pathway (9 GCSEs)

  • English Language and Literature
  • Maths
  • Science (Combined or Triple)
  • History/Geography
  • Language
  • 1 or 2 option choices 

Non- EBACC Pathway (9 GCSEs)

  • English Language and Literature
  • Maths
  • Science (Combined or Triple)
  • History/Geography/Language
  • 2 or 3 option choices Option Subjects 

Option subjects

  • Art
  • Dance (BTEC)
  • 3D Design
  • Drama
  • Food & Nutrition
  • French
  • Geography
  • Spanish
  • Health & Social Care (BTEC)
  • History
  • ICT – iMedia
  • Music
  • Physical Education (GCSE or OCR)
  • Religious Studies
  • Textiles
  • Triple Science (Invitation Only)
  • You may not choose Art, Textiles or 3D Design together as they cancel each other out as GCSE subjects.

 Enhanced Curriculum

The enhanced curriculum aims to offer a range of activities and opportunities that students are entitled to whilst attending the Academy. The enhanced curriculum offers a variety of activities and opportunities to support the social and emotional well-being of students. PSHE lessons, tutor time and the extra-curricular programme contribute to the development of inter-personal skills, building resilience and an awareness of the needs of others developing social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness.

Careers guidance is delivered from Year 7 onwards via a number of cross-curricular activities, assemblies, visiting speakers and trips.

There are a variety of student leadership opportunities available in all year groups. During the latter part of Year 10 pupils are selected to fulfil the role of Prefects, and School Captains.

Acheiving Excellence Diagram