Parents and carers play a vital role in supporting our young people and therefore need to be equipped with the most up to date and relevant careers information. Having this careers knowledge allows you to help your child make tough and challenging decisions about their futures.
Advice and Guidance
We have an impartial CareersAdviser in school if you or your child would like more information about careers and possible future pathways – appointments can be made by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
National Careers Service
The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential and impartial advice. This is supported by qualified careers advisers.
National Careers Service on Facebook
Keep up to date with the National Careers.
Careers box
Careersbox is a free online library of careers related film, news and information. As the preferred digital new media partner to the Institute of Career Guidance, the largest careers body in the UK, Careersbox aim is to deliver the right information at the right time to careers advisers and job seekers.
Best course 4 me
One of the most important questions when choosing what to study, where to study it - and even whether to study it - is 'Will I get a job at the end?' Another important question is 'What will I earn?' bestCourse4me is here to answer those questions. bC4me is free and utterly independent.
Careerscape supports young people with an inspiring online careers resource that is ideal for careers research and complements the use of Kudos. It offers further in-depth information on careers such as real-life case studies, video footage of people at work, photographs and sound clips. As well as providing careers information, Careerscape helps users with the surrounding issues that affect career choice such as education/training options, employment issues, subjects, higher education courses and lifestyle issues.
This site offers guidance on different types of apprenticeship and how to apply for them. It also includes an Apprenticeship Vacancies section
UCAS provides application services across a range of subject areas and modes of study for UK higher education providers.
Sixth Form Links
Find out about Open Events and check deadlines for applications. Research subjects available and the entry requirements for subject choices to study A Levels and the International Baccalaureate.
Braintree Sixth Form - www.braintreesixthform
Colchester Sixth Form- The Sixth Form College, Colchester | Welcome to The Sixth Form College, Colchester (
College Links
Find out about courses and qualifications on offer. Attend college open events to find out more about facilities and college life
The College at Braintree/Colchester Institute –
Chelmsford College –
Writtle College –